Before you send your book to an agent, before you self-publish your book, complete these ten tasks to build your author platform.
It doesn’t matter if you plan to publish independently or through a traditional publisher. To give your books the best chance for success, take the time to get your author platform in order, your community hopping and you identity as an author established.
Publishers and agents alike take a good look at an author’s online presence, social media and website, network and community when deciding to take a chance on a new author. Luckily, with all the free tools and resources out there, it isn’t hard to build a respectable author platform with minimal investment of money and time.
In this free video workshop, we walk through the ten things you must do before you publish your book to increase your odds of attracting an agent or reaching a big audience.
Starting from scratch? No problem! Let me illuminate a path.
Already have an author platform established? You’re ahead of the game! Come to pick up some new tips on how to optimize your online presence and get the most out of your real-life community. CLICK HERE to watch the video now!
Watch the video now. >>
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