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Are Self-Published Books as Good as Traditionally Published Books?

Self-publishing has come a long way, but is it a good solution for authors with high expectations? How do self-published books compare to traditionally published books? Can readers tell if a book is self-published? Do they care?

Here are some interesting facts that may change your perspective on indie books.

  • Indie authors command the largest market share of ebooks on Amazon.
  • Self-published authors now earn more in royalties than ALL the “Big 5” publisher authors combined.
  • Only 5% of self-published authors report feeling unsatisfied with their publishing experience.

In fact, Author Earnings reported:

We live in exciting times. Today it’s possible to be a full-time professional author, quietly earning $50,000+ a year — even six figures a year — without ever sending a query letter to anyone. On Amazon alone, the data shows over a thousand indie authors earning a full-time living right now with their self-published titles.

The only gatekeepers that matter now are readers.

Watch the video and decide for yourself if self-published books are as good as traditionally published books.

What do you think? Please leave a comment, We’d love to hear from you. Ask your self publishing questions, share a success or tragedy in publishing, or tell us what your think of self-publishing.

PS: We’ll publish the next video (How to Prepare Your Manuscript for Publishing) on Wednesday.

ALERT: We just published a FREE lesson on the 10 Things You Must Do BEFORE You Publish. Watch to the end of the lesson and you’ll get a special gift from us us to help you on your publishing journey.

If you are going to publish a book, watch this first!

Kelsye Nelson

Author and world traveler, dedicated to helping artists and creative entrepreneurs achieve the life of their wildest dreams. 

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December 15, 2020

4 responses on "Are Self-Published Books as Good as Traditionally Published Books?"

  1. Kelsye, Good to see you are still helping people. Is it possible for us to talk sometime? I may have a unique situation and would love to hear your thoughts.

  2. Great points, Kelsye!
    One barrier many of us have is the technology involved in formatting and plodding our manuscripts to be either POD or ebooks– especially if the manuscript has artwork, or it hast lists or poetry that has to look a certain way on the page. For many of us, the key here is not trying to understand and learn the technology but to know about reliable services that don’t cost a fortune.

    • True. Technology can be a barrier. I really like Vellum for book formatting. Reedsy has a good automate book designer as well. I’ll be sharing these resources with the next video.

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